stockton4.def sprice livarea beds baths lgelot age pool Obs: 1500 home sales in Stockton, CA from Oct 1, 1996 to Nov 30, 1998 This is a subset of stockton3.dat, the first 1500 observations sprice selling price of home, dollars livarea living area, hundreds of square feet beds number of beds baths number of baths lgelot =1 if lot size > .5 acres, 0 otherwise age age of home at time of sale, years pool =1 if home has pool, 0 otherwise Data source: Dr. John Knight, Department of Finance, University of the Pacific Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sprice | 1500 123693.9 63250.89 22000 713000 livarea | 1500 16.74667 5.461963 7 49 beds | 1500 3.285333 .619818 1 6 baths | 1500 2.133 .5253523 1 6.5 lgelot | 1500 .0633333 .2436428 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- age | 1500 21.86 13.11464 0 97 pool | 1500 .0653333 .2471955 0 1