The BWAGES files contain 1472 observations taken from the 1994 wave of the Belgian part of the European Community Household Panel. Variable list: wage lnwage educ exper lnexper lneduc male Labels: wage: gross hourly wage rate in Bef lnwage: ln(wage) educ: education level from 1 [low] to 5 [high] exper: years of experience lnexper: ln(1+exper) lneduc: ln(educ) male: dummy, 1 if male Sample statistics: Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max ---------+----------------------------------------------------- wage | 1472 445.7807 179.5332 88.38383 1919.192 lnwage | 1472 6.031735 .3625349 4.481689 7.559659 educ | 1472 3.378397 1.204522 1 5 exper | 1472 17.21739 10.16667 0 47 lnexper | 1472 2.690671 .7292168 0 3.871201 lneduc | 1472 1.136519 .4339715 0 1.609438 male | 1472 .6066576 .4886577 0 1 Note: 40 Bef is approx. 1 Euro. 26/10/1998 *********************** ***********************